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Title Details:
Protection and Management of Intellectual Property of Digital Content on the Internet and Modern Networks
Other Titles: Technological Means of Management and Protection of the Intellectual Property Rights and other Aspects
Authors: Tsolis, Dimitrios
Reviewer: Sioutas, Spiridon
Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property Rights
Protection of Intellectual Property
Management of Intellectual Property
Digital Rights
Information Society
Digital Content
Technical Means of Protection
Technical Means of Management
Business Models
Digital Repositories
Interoperability Metadata
Digital Watermarking
Information Systems
Digital Object Identifiers
Dublin Core
Query by Image Content
This book deals with a contemporary issue with technological, legal and social implications, the issue of the protection and management of Intellectual Property Rights in the Information Society. In today's digital world, even the most routine access to information inevitably involves making a copy. For example, software for viewing a web page (web browser) first creates a copy of the web page in memory and stores it in the history of addresses that the user has visited. This operation is done for better access to the information but in practice it is a reproduction that involves the concept of copyright protection. Also, when data is transferred over global networks, a repeated reproduction of the content takes place on network devices, routers and servers. The exclusive right of reproduction is the first and most basic right for the copyright owner of a work. How can this conflict between the desire to provide access and the desire to control copying be alleviated, when for a digital information access and transfer simultaneously implies the production of copies? This book proposes, designs, implements and evaluates original software development techniques and methodologies for the management, protection and exploitation of Intellectual Property Rights in the Information Society. Specifically, the current international situation is analyzed, the available solutions are presented, the shortcomings of these solutions are detected and the new proposed means to deal with the issue are highlighted. For the first time, a complete analysis of the problem of copyright protection and management of digital content is achieved, the entities and their relationships are presented, and the necessary functional and technical specifications are drawn up. Subsequently, the design and development of an information system is presented, which fully satisfies the goals and specifications set. Also, the individual components of the information system that are proposed to be implemented are analyzed and evaluated.
Type: Undergraduate textbook
Creation Date: 22-11-2016
Item Details:
ISBN 978-960-603-412-1
License: Attribution – NonCommercial – NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Bibliographic Reference: Tsolis, D. (2016). Protection and Management of Intellectual Property of Digital Content on the Internet and Modern Networks [Undergraduate textbook]. Kallipos, Open Academic Editions.
Language: Greek
Consists of:
1. Introduction
2. Intellectual Property and Information Society
3. The Intellectual Property and Information Society: Issues Full Analysis
4. Design and Implementation of an Information System for the Protection and Management of Intellectual Property Rights
Number of pages 192
Publication Origin: Kallipos, Open Academic Editions
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