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Title Details:
Introduction to Ergonomics
Authors: Marmaras, Nikolaos
Nathanael, Dimitris
Reviewer: Kontogiannis, Thomas
Ergonomics and Human Factors
Human-Computer Interaction
Human-Machine Interaction
Cognitive Engineering
This handbook presents basic knowledge on Human Factors and Ergonomics, and it is mainly addressed to students of Engineering Schools. Two categories of knowledge are included: (i) knowledge about human capabilities to interact with the working environment to accomplish goals, and the results of this interaction to the worker (e.g. capabilities to adopt postures and apply forces and their effects to human health, capabilities to perceive information and possible errors), (ii) methodological knowledge on how we can intervene in a work situation to assure and improve human well-being, enhance productivity and minimise negative effects, such as workload (physical and cognitive), accidents and human errors. The interventions may be design or re-design of material and nonmaterial artefacts (e.g., tools, human-machine interfaces, work procedures, software, training programs). After an introduction to the discipline of Human Factors and Ergonomics, a generic model of work situations and the process of ergonomics work analysis, based on system’s approach, are presented. The following chapters deal with what is usually called Physical Ergonomics, i.e., anthropometrics and biomechanics, musculoskeletal activity, and the design of workplaces and tools. Τhe next chapters deal with the parameters of work environment (i.e., temperature, noise, lightening), the physiology of human thermal regulation, audition and vision, methods for assessing environmental parameters, and means to alleviate their negative effects. The second part of the handbook deals with what is usually called Cognitive Ergonomics. A chapter on elements of cognitive activity (e.g., perception, problem solving, decision-making) and related models (e.g. action cycle, SRK model) serve as the base for the next chapter on the design of artefacts to support cognitive work (e.g., human-machine interfaces, human-computer interfaces, software to support complex cognitive work). The final chapter deals with the human error and ways to enhance human reliability.
Technical Editors: Gkikas, Konstantinos
Graphic Editors: Gkikas, Konstantinos
Type: Undergraduate textbook
Creation Date: 2015
Item Details:
ISBN 978-960-603-199-1
License: Attribution – NonCommercial – NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.57713/kallipos-911
Handle http://hdl.handle.net/11419/513
Bibliographic Reference: Marmaras, N., & Nathanael, D. (2015). Introduction to Ergonomics [Undergraduate textbook]. Kallipos, Open Academic Editions. https://dx.doi.org/10.57713/kallipos-911
Language: Greek
Consists of:
1. Introduction
2. Generic Ergonomic Model – Ergonomic Work Analysis
3. Physical Work
4. Ergonomic Design of Workplaces and Tools
5. Temperature Environment
6. Noise Environment
7. Vision and Light Environment
8. Time and Work
9. Cognitive Work
10. Design of Artefacts to Support Cognitive Work
11. Ανθρώπινα Λάθη, Ανθρώπινη Αξιοπιστία
12. Human Errors and Human Reliability
Number of pages 376
Version: 2
Publication Origin: Other publications
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