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Title Details:
Graphs and Applications
Authors: Georgiou, Dimitrios
Antoniou, Efstathios
Reviewer: Soudris, Dimitrios
Trees and Searching
Eulerian Graphs
Hamiltonian Circuits
Spanning Trees
Planar Graphs
Graph Coloring
Error Propagation
The need to represent related concepts led to the development of the mathematical entity that it is called a graph. With the help of graphs, complex visualization is achieved of physical states that are dependent on a multitude of concepts and require a significant number logical procedures. If the concepts are depicted in points of space and those two are connected points depicting related concepts, a graph results. It should be noted that the use of the term "graph" could be confusing, as it is also used to represent continuums functions in the Cartesian (or other) coordinate system. But a more careful study of the definition, which listed below, shows the relevance of these representations in continuous and discrete spaces. It is therefore another imprint of logical processes and concepts, an imprint which constituted the basis for the development of a yet distinct mathematical theory. With the development of the science of computer and web engineering, writers proved to be especially important aids to the solving complex problems. There are at least two reasons here: First because they contribute to the development of computer systems, as they are used for circuit design, the analysis of complex systems, in order to develop codes, the designing networks and optimizing the operation of routers (Routers). Also, because offer significant help in dealing with complex measurement problems involving the computing time. Graphs are also used to solve management decision problems in Business Research and Supply Chain Management. The complexity of these problems requires the use of computer systems. In the Graph Theory section a brief foundation of the theory is presented to give particular emphasis on algorithms for solving well-known minimization, organization, and design problems circuits. The aim of the way of presenting the theory of Scriptures and its applications is the familiarizing the user with the utility of graphs for solving network problems. In unit including Bayesian networks, Fuzzy Cognitive (or Cognitive) Representations as well as Petri nets with examples of network management.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 3 ALGORITHMS 3.1. Recursion 3.2 Properties Recursive sets 3.3. Applications 3.3.1 Technological applications of algebra Fibonacci (Symmetric analog-digital converter / DAC) 3.3.2 Digital registrar convolution (convolusion register) based in algebra Fibonacci 3.3.3 Technological applications of algebra Fibonacci in signal processing 3.4 General on Algorithms 3.5 algorithm Criteria 3.6 Description and representation 3.7 Basic commands 3.8 Standard algorithms 3.9 Implementation of algorithms 3.10 Epilysimotita and Computational Complexity 3.11 Types of Problems 3.12 Deterministic Turing machines 3.13 Chronike Complexity and polynomial time Bibliography / References Evaluation criterias
Linguistic Editors: Kioseoglou, Nerina
Tromara, Sofia
Technical Editors: Stragali, Faidra
Graphic Editors: Stragali, Faidra
Type: Chapter
Creation Date: 21-12-2015
Item Details:
License: Attribution – NonCommercial – NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Spatial Coverage: Χωρίς χωρική κάλυψη
Temporal Coverage: Χωρίς χρονική κάλυψη
Bibliographic Reference: Georgiou, D., & Antoniou, E. (2015). Graphs and Applications [Chapter]. In Georgiou, D., Antoniou, E., & Chatzimichailidis, A. 2015. Discrete Mathematical Structures in Computer Science [Undergraduate textbook]. Kallipos, Open Academic Editions.
Language: Greek
Consists of: 1. Εντοπισμός γεφυρών σε επίπεδο γράφο
2. Εφαρμογή του Αλγόριθμου DeMoucron
3. Αλγόριθμος του Kruskal
4. Διαδρομές Euler και Hamilton
5. Εφαρμογή Αλγόριθμου Robert & Flores
6. Επίπεδοι Γράφοι με μη διασταυρωμένες ακμές
Is Part of: Discrete Mathematical Structures in Computer Science
Number of pages 49
Typical Learning Time: PT20H05M00S
Publication Origin: Kallipos, Open Academic Editions