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Title Details:
The concept and characteristics of Social Exclusion
Authors: Kiridis, Argirios
The concept of Social Exclusion is analysed in the fourth (4th) chapter of this study. Social Exclusion is a multifaceted concept and a dynamic social phenomenon, which refers to a process or a situation of alienation of an individual or a group of individuals from the social network. The concept of the social network includes the social activities that take place in a society, as well as the institutions that make up the social system. Such activities include the economy, culture, health, education, justice, etc. In this light, Social Exclusion is conceived as a socially central process, which involves an unequal distribution of power in the spheres of economy, politics, society and culture.
Linguistic Editors: Kerasioti, Vasiliki
Graphic Editors: Kaitsa, Eleni
Type: Chapter
Creation Date: 26-09-2024
Item Details:
License: Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Bibliographic Reference: Kiridis, A. (2024). The concept and characteristics of Social Exclusion [Chapter]. In Kamarianos, J., Kiridis, A., & Gouga, G. 2024. Sociology for Social Workers [Undergraduate textbook]. Kallipos, Open Academic Editions.
Language: Greek
Is Part of: Sociology for Social Workers
Publication Origin: Kallipos, Open Academic Editions