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Title Details:
Ενίσχυση της ψυχικής ανθεκτικότητας
Authors: Touloupis, Thanos
Athanasiades, Christina
This seventh chapter focuses on strengthening students’ sense of psychological resilience and its connection with their school adjustment and achievement. Within this context, specific theoretical models, strategies and indicative programs to strengthen students’ psychological resilience in the school environment are presented.
Linguistic Editors: Pitsoli, Kalliopi F.
Graphic Editors: Dedikousi, Stamatia
Type: Chapter
Creation Date: 06-09-2024
Item Details:
License: Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Bibliographic Reference: Touloupis, T., & Athanasiades, C. (2024). Ενίσχυση της ψυχικής ανθεκτικότητας [Chapter]. In Touloupis, T., & Athanasiades, C. 2024. Psycho-pedagogical issues in school context: The role of teachers [Undergraduate textbook]. Kallipos, Open Academic Editions.
Language: Greek
Is Part of: Psycho-pedagogical issues in school context: The role of teachers
Publication Origin: Kallipos, Open Academic Editions