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Title Details:
Revealed preferences theory and consumer choice under uncertainty
Authors: Tsounis, Nicholas
Reviewer: Agiomirgianakis, George M.
The theory of revealed preferences in consumer behavior is examined and the demand function is derived. The consumer's choices under conditions of uncertainty are also examined using the von Neumann-Morgenstern expected utility function. An application of the expected utility function and the consumer's function under uncertainty for demand for insurance services is presented.
Linguistic Editors: Antonopoulos, Yannis
Graphic Editors: Stavropoulos, Ilias
Type: Chapter
Creation Date: 16-01-2024
Item Details:
License: Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Bibliographic Reference: Tsounis, N. (2024). Revealed preferences theory and consumer choice under uncertainty [Chapter]. In Tsounis, N. 2024. Theory of the Consumer Behaviour [Postgraduate textbook]. Kallipos, Open Academic Editions.
Language: Greek
Is Part of: Theory of the Consumer Behaviour
Publication Origin: Kallipos, Open Academic Editions