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Title Details:
Research Methodology in Health Sciences
Authors: Lagoumintzis, Georgios
Vlachopoulos, Georgios
Koutsogiannis, Konstantinos
Reviewer: Poulas, Konstantinos
Scientific Research
Methodology Of Research
In the health sciences, research is an essential component of graduate and postgraduate teaching programs. Consequently, students pursuing courses in a variety of health science disciplines must possess a fundamental understanding of research methodology and biostatistics. Furthermore, healthcare practitioners, including physicians, nurses, and other personnel engaged in patient care, can enhance the quality of their services by acquiring a pragmatic understanding of research methodology. This understanding enables them to assess the preliminary literature and implement evidence-based patient care more effectively. Over the last few decades, the quantity of published medical literature has increased rapidly. Concurrently, there has been a substantial surge in the number of statistical tests, techniques, and computer software employed in research. Consequently, health sciences students must stay abreast of biostatistics advancements to enhance their comprehension of the published literature and determine the most applicable statistical test or technique for a given circumstance. This book uses minimal mathematical and statistical formulaic expressions to make research methodology and biostatistics accessible to the public. It provides an overview of the fundamental concepts and formulas that underpin these tests and their utilization in a critical evaluation of the scientific literature without delving into their statistical intricacies. The book is roughly divided into two sections: the initial one elucidates the fundamental tenets of research methodology, while the subsequent one covers the basic concepts of biostatistics. This book is designed to assist students enrolled in health science courses -medicine, nursing, dentistry, pharmaceutical sciences, physiotherapy, and other allied disciplines- in comprehending research methodology and biostatistics concepts. Additionally, this resource is designed for researchers across diverse health sciences disciplines who are actively engaged in scholarly endeavors. It will function as a convenient point of reference for the instructors overseeing their work. We trust that this book fulfills its intended function of assisting readers in comprehending the fundamental principles of biostatistics and research methodology through an approachable format, enabling them to apply these principles in their scholarly and vocational endeavors.
Linguistic Editors: Koutsogiannis, Konstantinos
Technical Editors: Vlachopoulos, Georgios
Graphic Editors: Lagoumintzis, Georgios
Type: Undergraduate textbook
Creation Date: 2015
Item Details:
ISBN 978-960-603-223-3
License: Attribution – NonCommercial – NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.57713/kallipos-1007
Handle http://hdl.handle.net/11419/5356
Bibliographic Reference: Lagoumintzis, G., Vlachopoulos, G., & Koutsogiannis, K. (2015). Research Methodology in Health Sciences [Undergraduate textbook]. Kallipos, Open Academic Editions. https://dx.doi.org/10.57713/kallipos-1007
Language: Greek
Consists of:
1. An Introduction to Scientific Research
2. Research Ethics
3. Overview of the Research Process
4. Methods of Data Sampling - Surveys and Questionnaires
5. Data Handling and Analysis
6. Descriptive Statistics
7. Inferential Statistics
8. Writing and Evaluating a Scientific Paper
Number of pages 138
Publication Origin: Kallipos, Open Academic Editions
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