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Title Details:
Heating of Greenhouses in Agricultural Areas Using Normal Geothermal System
Authors: Vrachopoulos, Michail Gr.
Koukou, Maria K.
Syngounas, Evangelos
Tsimpoukis, Dimitrios
Dalavouras, Charalampos
In this chapter, an example calculation of a geothermal installation is presented for heating the actual greenhouse unit. In this context, a geothermal heat pump system is selected, which absorbs heat from an open-loop geothermal system. The installation aims to cover the maximum and continuous winter air conditioning needs of the greenhouse. In the design of the installation, the basic points mentioned in the relevant theory chapter are used, following the described methodology.
Linguistic Editors: Kolla, Eleni
Graphic Editors: Konstantaras, Ioannis
Type: Chapter
Creation Date: 14-02-2024
Item Details:
License: Attribution – NonCommercial – NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Bibliographic Reference: Vrachopoulos, M., Koukou, M., Syngounas, E., Tsimpoukis, D., & Dalavouras, C. (2024). Heating of Greenhouses in Agricultural Areas Using Normal Geothermal System [Chapter]. In Vrachopoulos, M., Koukou, M., Syngounas, E., Tsimpoukis, D., & Dalavouras, C. 2024. Guide for Shallow Geothermy Applications [Undergraduate textbook]. Kallipos, Open Academic Editions.
Language: Greek
Is Part of: Guide for Shallow Geothermy Applications
Publication Origin: Kallipos, Open Academic Editions