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Title Details:
Innovative, biomimetic and technological applications
Authors: Rhizopoulou, Sophia
Chimona, Chrysanthi
Koukou, Danae-Ioanna
Gkikas, Dimitrios
Reviewer: Dimoudi, A
Living organisms live in the natural environment and their existence precedes the appearance of humans by millions of years. These organizations have developed adaptive mechanisms and tactics to respond to environmental conditions. In nature, issues of mechanical strength, self-healing properties, successful exposure to the ambient environment, camouflage, utilization of solar energy, etc. have been resolved. These are the so called "laboratories of nature". In nature there are properties known from experience and observation, long before they were discovered (again) in scientific laboratories. In fact, adaptations related to climate, environment, evolution and biosynthetic processes are reflected into the patterns of development of living organisms. These patterns currently imitated by technology also create a new anthropogenic geography of cutting-edge innovations, cutting-edge technology products and materials. Recently, biomimetic has attracted the attention of both applied research and technological applications. It is a field with expanded potential for innovation, which also provides the opportunity to develop original and sustainable techniques, new products and production chains. New, specialized methods for the quantitative analysis and simulation of the structure-function relationship -at various hierarchical levels- highlight new views, multilevel mechanisms and other functional parameters of biological systems. Also, new methodology allows application in innovative biomimetic products by imitating useful properties of biological systems. By applying the adaptive strategies of living organisms, designers, scientists and researchers strive to develop solutions that are well adapted to the modern needs of humans. For example, research linked to biomimetic structures and materials (e.g., gels, polymers, pigments, etc.) aims to study parameters that affect adhesion properties to different substrates. The inspiration or vision for biomimetic and technological aspects has contributed to exceptional, innovative, modern applications which are already in use and it is expected to give rise to other applications that we cannot imagine today. Hopefully, time will tell us what will happen in the future.
Linguistic Editors: Kiosseoglou, Nerina
Graphic Editors: Stagali, Faidra
Type: Chapter
Creation Date: 28-02-2022
Item Details:
License: Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Bibliographic Reference: Rhizopoulou, S., Chimona, C., Koukou, D., & Gkikas, D. (2022). Innovative, biomimetic and technological applications [Chapter]. In Rhizopoulou, S., Chimona, C., Koukou, D., & Gkikas, D. 2021. Biomimetics & Biomimesis [Postgraduate textbook]. Kallipos, Open Academic Editions.
Language: Greek
Is Part of: Biomimetics & Biomimesis
Publication Origin: Kallipos, Open Academic Editions