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Title Details:
Monitoring parameters
Authors: Makris, Demosthenes
Zakynthinos, George
Manoulakas, Stratos
Mantzarlis, Kostas
Tsolaki, Vasiliki
Deskata, Konstantina
Papadonta, Maria Eirini
Reviewer: Zakynthinos, Epameinondas
The chapter deals with the assessment and monitoring of patient-ventilator interaction. The parameters to be monitored are described, such as the airway pressures, the end-expiratory pressure and driving pressure, the airway resistance, ventilator waveforms (that can be produced by displaying airway pressure, volume, and flow versus time), relevant hemodynamic parameters and other non-invasive ways of monitoring respiratory function (non-invasive oximetry, capnography). Knowledge of waveform interpretation plays a key role in the assessment and monitoring of patient-ventilator interaction, as it provides information on the patient’s pathophysiological changes.
Linguistic Editors: Pitsoli, Kalliopi F.
Graphic Editors: Σκουλούδης, Georgios
Type: Chapter
Creation Date: 09-11-2023
Item Details:
License: Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Bibliographic Reference: Makris, D., Zakynthinos, G., Manoulakas, S., Mantzarlis, K., Tsolaki, V., Deskata, K., & Papadonta, M. (2023). Monitoring parameters [Chapter]. In Makris, D., Zakynthinos, G., Manoulakas, S., Mantzarlis, K., Tsolaki, V., Deskata, K., & Papadonta, M. 2023. Mechanical Ventilation [Undergraduate textbook]. Kallipos, Open Academic Editions.
Language: Greek
Is Part of: Mechanical Ventilation
Publication Origin: Kallipos, Open Academic Editions