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Title Details:
International relations
Authors: Sell, T. M.
Vandoros, Sotiris (Ed.)
The present chapter is a panoramic overview of international relations, starting with a presentation of the role of sovereign states in them. This is followed by an examination of the main theories of international relations, including illustrative applications of these theories in case studies. The issue of ethics in international relations is, then, briefly addressed, before the post-Cold War world is analysed, with an emphasis on the role of non-state actors. The chapter concludes with a reflection on the challenges associated with nuclear weapons today.
Linguistic Editors: Krokidi, Sofia
Graphic Editors: Dimolas, Konstantinos
Type: Chapter
Creation Date: 22-09-2023
Item Details:
License: Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Bibliographic Reference: Sell, T., & Vandoros, S. (Ed.). (2023). International relations [Chapter]. In Vandoros, S. (Ed.), & Sell, T. 2023. A primer on politics [Undergraduate textbook]. Kallipos, Open Academic Editions.
Language: Greek
Is Part of: A primer on politics
Publication Origin: Kallipos, Open Academic Editions